Montag, 28. März 2011

Alex's weekend in Germany, and other recent funs.

I find it amusing that this entry had already saved a draft before I'd actually written anything. Decided it necessary to update, seeing as I haven't since Berlin (a whole two weeks ago!) and because I'm really busy for the next few weeks with people visiting me this weekend and next weekend, and the time-consuming task of turning 21. I intend to do a little dance, spin in a circle and suddenly grow taller and older like they do on The Sims 2.

Last weekend, the lovely Alex de Maré came on her first ever trip to Germany! After a traumatic journey from Düsseldorf Weeze airport, which no one should ever fly to or from because it is in the middle of nowhere, she finally arrived in Bochum. We were needless to say, very excited to see each other and caused quite a scene in Starbucks, while I taught Alex how to ask for a coffee auf Deutsch. That night we went out for cocktails in Bochum with Marina and Bertpfeif; a lot of fun, despite feeling slightly too drunk to finish my last cocktail and having to ask for some achievement water (Leitungswasser = tap water; Leistungswasser = achievement water).

Saturday afternoon, we overcame hangovers and headed to Köln, where I proudly introduced Alex to the Dom and fed her Schnitzel by the Rhein. After some pre-drinks at Maria's, followed by further pre-drinks at Jen's, we headed to a club called Papierfabrik, at about 2.30am; this being the German way. Go out as late as possible and try not to come home before daylight. It was a lot of fun; someone gave me a free hat. The train ride back to Bochum at 5.50am was not fun. Definitely the longest, coldest walk of shame of my life. Sunday was a write-off due to how much party we had made the night before. Bleurgh.

The next day, when we felt a bit more human, I took Alex for boat sushi and showed her the park and the rabbits in Bochum; after this, I had to say a very sad goodbye and put her back onto the bus to Weeze failport. Erm, then I worked for a week, which is less interesting. A highlight was probably a year 6 asking me if I had ever seen Justin Bieber around London.

On Friday me and Glen had a nice day out to the Ruhr river; this part of Germany is called the Ruhrgebiet (district), but I'd never seen the actual river, so I decided we should go visit it. And usually when I demand we should go somewhere for no reason, I can somehow talk Glen into coming with me (this being how we discovered Essen and Düsseldorf, and the revolutionary idea that we could drink beer and shop at H&M in many different cities!).

I took lots of pictures on Glen's camera, since I no longer have a camera due to tragically losing my bag at Karneval. We then sat on the grass and drank one beer each, while enjoying the site of our new favourite river, before going tipsily back into town for sushi, which Glen followed up with currywurst for dessert. Our night continued with drinking more beer in my kitchen, followed by noch ein bisschen tanzen at Stargate club.

The rest of my weekend consisted of going to Köln again, as I am incapable of staying away for more than a week at a time, to hang out with Maria. We did more outdoor beer-drinking. This is my new favourite activity.

That is everything I have done since my last entry; sorry for the lack of photos of recent events. I miss my camera, but will no doubt buy a new one soon. Though currently trying to avoid spending all my money before my exciting travels at Easter. The fabulous Robyn, Lindsay, Jessy and Nat are visiting this weekend; I am really excited to see them! Having already had Alex to stay, I have established that I like being official Nordrhein-Westfalen tour guide/translator. Plus I get to show some more people the Dom. Oh how I love the Dom...


1 Kommentar:

  1. Do German English-learners constantly use the phrase "make the party" as well? In French, it's "faire la fete" (sure your residual A-level French knowledge doesn't require a translation!), in German... "machen das... Party"? Do you speak Denglish now? I definitely speak Franglais, the other day I asked my students "Did you pass a good holiday?" and couldn't even work how how/why it was wrong.

    Anyway, the bit about Leistungswasser made me laugh. I think it is an achievement to drink water on a night out like those adverts constantly instruct us to, somehow it never seems that important while I am drinking.

    As for Justin Bieber (or Justan Beeberre as my students say), he came up this week as well - I gave them a roleplay about "What I would say if I met my favourite celebrity in a lift?" and voilà.

